Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pharmacists suggest monitoring system to detect painkiller abuse

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Queensland's Pharmacy Guild says there are more effective ways to prevent the abuse of codeine-based painkillers than an over the counter ban.

A Federal Government advisory board is considering the idea, after reports in the Medical Journal of Australia that some people are taking an excessive amount of painkillers, such as Nurofen Plus.

The guild's president Tim Logan says he would prefer to see pharmacists use a computer monitoring system to detect people who are buying too much of the drug.

"If the regulatory authorities wanted to enable pharmacists to detect when people are going around to different pharmacies getting lots and lots of packets of this medication and then misusing it, we are able to help them with that," Mr Logan said.

"We'd rather do that rather than just do a knee-jerk reaction making it prescription-only, overloading an already stressed medical system."

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