Saturday, January 3, 2009

Israel Is Conducting A Genocide Operation In Gaza

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By Lee Rogers

The Israeli Defense Forces are currently in the process of conducting an operation of genocide against the Palestinian people. For months, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict has largely been kept out of the news as the Palestinians have honored a cease fire agreement since this past June. Despite minor incidents of violence, this agreement remained in place until November 4th, 2008 when the Israelis launched an airstrike in Gaza resulting in several Palestinian injuries and deaths. The Palestinians responded to this act of Israeli aggression with rocket fire and mortar attacks. This has resulted in the Israelis conducting a large scale military campaign in Gaza which we are seeing unfold before us right now. In fact, ground forces are now confirmed to be entering Gaza. This operation has resulted in the death of hundreds of civilians including women and children. According to an eyewitness account published in the London Guardian the Israelis have destroyed homes, a police station, ambulances, a fire station and even a medicine store. With all of this in mind, it is quite clear that this operation is not about Israeli security, but instead about conducting a campaign of indiscriminate death and destruction in Gaza.

First off there are many misconceptions and lies being spread in the corporate controlled media about why all of this is taking place. The Palestinians are constantly demonized as bloodthirsty terrorists that specifically target civilians. This on its face is ridiculous when the weaponry that the Palestinians have at their disposal is not very accurate but serves as their only methods of defense that they have against Israeli attacks. Furthermore, the Israeli military has killed many more Palestinian civilians through their superior military might. With this in mind, the real terrorists are the ones controlling the Israeli military by ordering bombings that have killed many more innocent Palestinians in comparison to the Israeli civilians who have been killed by the Palestinians.

It is also important to note that Gaza is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. The Israeli government says that they are not targeting civilians but are instead only going after military targets. This is one of the most densely populated regions in the entire world and any bombing of such areas regardless of the justification is criminal. This also makes the claims that Palestinian militants are hiding behind civilians an incredibly ridiculous assertion. It is such a densely populated region that there is no way to make a distinction. Besides, the Palestinians don’t even have a real military.

Hamas the political organization that controls Gaza is labeled as a terrorist organization by the West. Even though they have a militant wing, they are a political organization first and
were actually elected by the Palestinian people. Despite the fact that they represent the democratically elected government of the Palestinian people in Gaza, the Israelis simply label them as a terrorist organization and use it as justification to destroy infrastructure which is critical to the well-being of the Palestinian people.

The Israelis have also maintained a blockade of Gaza allowing only few humanitarian supplies to enter. A good recent example of this can be seen with a recent humanitarian shipment meant for the Palestinian people with former U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney on board that was rammed and not allowed through by the Israeli military. The Palestinians are literally kept in a prison grid by the Israeli military.

The world has been outraged by the actions of the Israeli government.
Thousands of people around the world are protesting this criminal invasion of Gaza. The people at the highest levels of the Israeli government should be put on trials for war crimes considering the reports of hundreds of civilian deaths in the region. It is no wonder why the Israeli forces will not allow any foreign media to enter the Gaza region. By doing this, they can assure that as little information about their war crimes is revealed to the world.

Much like the 2006 invasion of Lebanon by the Israeli military, this appears to be the same type of operation. It has very little to do with Israeli security and more to do with continuing a long standing policy of genocide employed by this fascist regime. In 2006, the dubious excuse of two kidnapped Israeli soldiers was used to engage in a 33-day war of blood sacrifice and death. This operation in Gaza appears to be much along the same lines as the 2006 invasion of Lebanon and should be condemned.

It is disgraceful that George W. Bush supports this as a legitimate military operation and even more disgraceful that Barack Obama is hiding in a resort playing golf refusing comment on this very serious situation. This is indeed a deplorable situation, especially considering that U.S. taxpayer money is being used to fund the Israeli military to conduct these sorts of operations. Israel is a bastard fascist state that should not be supported in any way by the U.S.. The USS Liberty incident which involved the bombing of a U.S. Navy vessel by the Israeli military in the 1960s is proof positive of this. To hell with the Zionist war criminals and the state of Israel. These people should be dressed up in orange jump suits and put on trial much like the Nazis were during the Nuremberg trials.

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